Global Social Enterprise

In the world brimming with resources and innovation, nobody should be left behind. By recognising the economic value of volunteering, we create a new sustainable source of wealth.


Building a modern, human-centered economy


Imagine a world that revolves around people. A world that has enough for everybody: food, housing, care, work, and leisure. Well, such world is not only possible – it is within our reach. Today we have enough production capacity, infrastructure, human skills, and technology to create enough wealth for all.

The issue is that traditionally money has been the only bridge between supply and demand. And since the access to money is uneven, it creates a bottleneck in the economy. As a result, an oversupply of goods and services exists alongside unmet human needs. What if there was a way to re-balance the system?

Human-centered economy is a sustainable development model. It recognizes the economic value of socially beneficial activities to equalize access to wealth for individuals, businesses, and NGOs.

Harnessing the power of $13 trl. of social wealth


Our mission is to recover the existing social wealth and enable its use in the real economy to build a sustainable world for the future generations.

Every year, 1 billion volunteers add US$2 trillion to the global economy. At the same time, unpaid care work carried out by women worldwide is estimated at staggering US$10.8 trillion per annum. If we add value of other “good deeds” such as care for elderly parents or support for disabled relatives, we exceed US$13 trillion p.a.Despite creating real value in the society, those socially beneficial activities are perceived as having no economic impact. Why? Simply because their results cannot be expressed in monetary terms.

We want to change that lens. Social wealth credits recognize the intrinsic value of voluntary engagements and enable their use in the real economy.

“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”


– Mahatma Gandhi

Accelerating a collective leap to sustainable future


Our ecosystem of partners is designed to include business and civil societies in the collective creation and distribution of social wealth. Individuals, companies, and NGOs cooperate within a framework of distinctive roles, shared resources, and tangible benefits.

Global Social Enterprise orchestrates the ecosystem, promotes its activities, manages operations, as well as designs and implements its development strategies.

For that purpose, we are committed to work with all partners, as well as with representatives of different economic and policy sectors, including finance, technology, regulations, and authorities. Further, we want to create a dialogue with thought leaders, industry associations, media, academia, and event organizers to build a better, more stable and inclusive society.

Leveraging technology to measure impact


How does it work in practice? Our digital platform GlobalPlus connects individuals, businesses and NGOs in collaborative creation and distribution of social wealth.

Social wealth credits are earned through voluntary engagements at non-profit organizations, helping to amplify their impact.

The platform enables the use of these credits in the real economy with a dual-currency transaction technology. Inspired by existing loyalty schemes and price discounts, the new technology has a fundamental difference. Instead of rewarding consumerism and untenable growth, it encourages efficient use of resources and excess production output for common good.

Once redeemed to pay for a portion of purchase price for goods or services, the credits are archived. That establishes an objective view of the social wealth created and used in the economy.

Provoking a systemic change towards humanity


The world is ripe for change. Economic disparities, crippling inflation, unemployment, social tensions – all call for urgent actions. However, current economic system, focused on short-term financial returns, cannot support them. The system itself is falling apart and trying to survive. This is a perfect timing for grassroots initiatives to shift the economic paradigm towards humanity.

Everybody can play a role in implementing the new economic model. Choose from multiple options below to make an impact today.


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Global Social Enterprise

At Global Social Enterprise, your voice matters. Share your thoughts, join the team, or just say hello—we’re all ears. Drop us a line through our contact form and let’s enable the change together.

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